Wednesday 15 December 2010

Lutkarska radionica

U organizaciji Fonda za edukaciju "Vivarta Lila" u decembru 2010. godine u Osnovnoj školi "Bratstvo jedinstvo", realizovana je lutkarska radionica sa decom. Odziv je bio uspešan. Deca su uživala praveći lutkice za predstavu. Predstava se zove "Anja je videla Deda Mraza". Deca su pomogla oko teksta predstave i pokazala su umeće timskog rada. Radionicu je vodila mr Đurđica Mrkailo.
Predstava je uspešno odigrana i u planu je još predstava i radionica. Kreativnost žellimo da podelimo i sa drugim mališanima i da se družimo i sa decom iz drugih škola. Zato ih pozivamo na kreativno druženje svake subote od 10 do 12 h u prostorije Fonda.

Friday 15 October 2010

Umetnik u pesku na obali indijskog okeana

Indija je zemlja u kojoj na svakom koraku možete ugledati umetničko delo. U večernjim satima na plaži, tako smo naišli na umetnika koji svoj talenat nesebično deli sa prolaznicima, izazivajući ushićenje i divljenje. Za samo nekoliko trenutaka, koliko se činilo iz perspektive promatrača, na pesku u mrklom mraku nastala je skulptura koja prikazuje Shivu, uništavatelja, koji dolazi posljednji da bi u sebi zadržao ovaj svet do novog ciklusa stvaranja.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Dečiji likovni konkurs "Vila zida grad"

U organizaciji Fonda za edukaciju "Vivarta Lila", realizovan je likovni konkurs na temu "Vila Zida grad". Zadatak je bio da se deca inspirišu našom narodnom umetnošću. Pristiglo je mnogo zanimljivih radova.
Ovo su neki od njih a još dečijih radova možete pogledati na našoj facebook stranici Vivarta Lila

Saturday 4 September 2010

The Wish-Palm-Tree

Tags: Children, Art, Cultural Sensitivity, Intercultural dialogue, Team work,
The Palm Wish – Tree
The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia is the home of many cultures and nations. It is inhabited with more than26ethnic group and has 6 official languages. Therefore, teaching cultural tolerance is the foundation for a successful educational system.
Children of different ethnic groups attend school together, so an art teacher should be oriented to encourage development of understanding of different cultural backgrounds.
I work as an art teacher in the elementary school in Sombor, Vojvodina, named “Bratstvo-jedinstvo” (Fraternity and unity) which realizes its educational program in 3 languages- Hungarian, Serbian and Croatian, according to its ethnical structure of students. The children are in the same building and interfere during their school time schedule and are engaged in many team activities. Nowadays, as there are many mixed marriages among different ethnical groups, some parents decide to send their children to the Serbian groups. Therefore, almost in every group there are students from different ethnical origin.
It is more than important to develop intercultural and ethnical tolerance. One of many ways to do so is through art. Art is a bridge to overcome intercultural differences . Through art children can learn to express their feelings, work in team and develop creative thinking.
The first week of October is in Serbia celebrated as the “Children’s week”. It is a week with activities promoting children’s rights and tolerance. Schools make their own plan of activities they realize with their students.
In 2010. my idea for the Children’s week was promoting cultural sensitivity and tolerance through interdisciplinary and multimedia art expression. I realized that idea with students from the fifth to eighth grade elementary school with several art activities.
Part one: The Tolerance Wall
The children did together a drawing on a 70x50 cm paper. One class started and other classes finished. They depicted a wall with a cat sitting on it. The children signed their names on the wall in graffiti style. The wall on the drawing was a symbol for hindrance. Decorated by children’s names the wall turned into a peace of art.
Part two: The Palm Wish – Tree
I have brought a small palm tree to the class. A palm has a symbolic meaning for good and peace. The children were asked to write a wish on a peace of paper and roll it. Then we bended the wishes with a cord to the little palm tree. The palm tree with all our wishes is on the window Sims and we water it together for the wishes to come true. It is the keeper of our wishes.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Moonstone-Mesečev kamen

Schools are mainly facing the problem of violence among their students. A school as a learning institution has as well the role of a behaviour tutoring towards children.A child has to be taught how to act in a group.We are witnessing that means and ways of teaching are changing nowadays. With the blooming of Internet and technology progress children become a new dimension of expressing and exploring the world around themselves.Internet has its huge advantages but also disadvantages.It is an immense source of information important for a child's growth, but if not supervised by parents a child can be helplessly exposed to various dangers. It can become a victim of "cyberbullying". Through research we have come to the conclusion that "cyberbullying" is present in our country. As an Educative Fund we want to educate children of the impact such bullying can have on a victim and also to educate them how to use internet for educative purposes.
Our ways for this aim, with the moto "With culture against violence" is through various workshops like video workshops ,where children could through acting and writing scripts contribude to reaching new audience. Children like to act.Culture and art are very constructive in achieving tolerance. "Art therapy" is becoming more and more popular and has shown results. It is a splendid way to develop language of non-violence and tolerance as well as learning to behave in groups and teamwork.
We have named the project "Moonstone" because it is a gemstone which is characterised by an enchanting play of light. It is a symbol for all the ideas we will summarize from the children of various backgrounds who will participate in making videos and take part in painting and clay workshops.
We have already established cooperation with two elementary and two highschools. The students have shown great interesed,so stay tuned, we will soon come up with visual material!

♥♥Svaka škola manje-više se suočava sa problemom nasilja u školi. Škola kao vaspitna institucija, ima , pored obrazovne ima i izričitu vaspitnu ulogu. Ona treba da nauči dete kako da se ponaša u grupi. Svedoci smo da se vreme i načini učenja menjaju iz dana u dan. Razvojem informacione tehnologije deci se otvorio sasvim novi prostor delovanja- Internet. Internet ima svoje izuzetne prednosti ali i mane. Ono je neiscrpan izvor informacija korisnih za dečiji intelektualni razvoj ali je isto tako dete sasvim nezaštićeno. Ono može da postane žrtva nasilja preko interneta poznatog u svetu kao „Cyber bullying“.Istražujući, došli smo do saznanja da je nasilništvo preko interneta itekako prisutno na našim prostorima. Kao Fond za edukaciju imamo želju da približimo posledice koje takve akcije nasilništva mogu imati po žrtvu, kao i da edukujemo decu o korisnom korišćenju interneta. Način na koji želimo da edukujemo decu je pomoću video radova, gde bi deca kao glumci mogli da se stave u ulogu i žrtve i nasilnika i da na taj način približe ovu problematiku svojim vršnjacima kao i njihovim roditeljima na zajedničkim projekcijama video radova. Istovremeno želimo da podstičemo dečije stvaralaštvo filmskoj umetnosti .
Nenasilna komunikacija je veština koja se uči i vežba. Želimo da budemo podrška tinejdžerima u tom procesu. Raznim angažovanjem u timskim aktivnostima vežbaćemo sa decom rešavanje konflikata. „Kulturom protiv nasilja“ je naš moto. Kultura i umetnost oplemenjuju dušu. U svetu se sve više popularniji termin „Art therapy“. Praksa je pokazala da je umetnost odličan način za izražavanje i za zajedničko delovanje i prevazilaženje razlika. Zajedničko izlaganje zajednički nastalih dela zbližuje decu i odličan je način premošćavanja razlika.
Projekat smo nazvali „Moonstone“ (mesečev kamen) . Mesečev kamen je poludragi kamen koji se neobično presijava. Sjajevi raznih boja su simbolika za ciljne grupe koje će zajedno učestvovati u projektu „kulturom protiv nasilja“ koji je naš cilj. Želimo da promovišemo interkulturni dijalogu gde uključujemo decu iz raznih sredina, tako što im kreativno osmišljavamo slobodno vreme. Uključujemo ih u stvaralački proces kroz igru, pesmu, glumu, likovno stvaranje i prezentovanje istog široj publici. Verujemo da kada dete ima bogato osmišljeno slobodno vreme kulturnim sadržajima, manje ima prostora za razvijanje negativnih navika, isto tako nema tendenciju ka nasilničkom ponašanju, jer je zadovoljno sobom kao korisnog člana stvaralačke grupe.
Već smo uspostavili saradnju sa dve osnovne i dve srednje škole. Učenici su pokazali veliko interesovanje, pratite vesti, uskoro ćemo osvežiti sajt sa vizuelnim materijalom!

Saturday 3 April 2010


"Three Stories" is an experimental video by Durdica Mrkailo. It is about the voyage of a sculpture in space.

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Dana 24.03.2010. godine u prostorijama Fonda za edukaciju "Vivarta Lila" održan je prvi solistički koncert učenice Škole za Muzičko obrazovanje "Milan Konjević"iz Sombora i članice Fonda, Vivien Kurtović. Na repertoaru je bilo više izvedbi.

On 24 March 2010. at the Educational Fund "Vivarta Lila" the first solistic concert of young Vivien Kurtovic,a member of the Fund who attends the Music School "Milan Konjevic" in Sombor was held. On the repertoar there were several compositions.